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    Making Jump To Our Beats LagosJump Radio


Discover Zakes Carter: The Emerging Talent In the Music Scene

todayJune 21, 2024 3

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    Discover Zakes Carter: The Emerging Talent In the Music Scene Boluwatife

Zakes Carter has been making music since 2019. He explores multiple genres but has faced challenges in gaining an audience. His passion for music started in childhood. This love for music inspired him to pursue it as a career.

Zakes Carter

Musical Influences

Zakes Carter draws inspiration from both local and international artists. His biggest influences include J. Cole, Drake, JID, Chris Brown, Davido, and Fireboy DML. These artists have shaped his unique sound and style.

Latest Single: A Classic Love Song

Zakes Carter’s latest single is a classic love song. It talks about his deep love for a girl and the lengths he would go to for her. The heartfelt lyrics and melody create a touching and relatable track.

Influence of Lagos

Living in Lagos has greatly influenced Zakes Carter’s music. The city’s vibrant vibes inspired him to create his own unique sound. The energy of Lagos can be felt in his lyrics and melodies.

Nigerian Music Scene

Zakes Carter feels the Nigerian music scene is great but still has room to grow. He brings unique vibes and sounds to the industry, contributing to its evolution. His music is a blend of different influences, creating a fresh and engaging experience for listeners.

Evolution of His Music

Since starting his music career, Zakes Carter has seen significant evolution in his style. Initially focused on rap, he has become more melodic over time. This shift has allowed him to explore different sounds and connect with a wider audience.

Impact on Listeners

Zakes Carter hopes his music impacts listeners positively. He wants his songs to inspire and uplift, leaving a lasting impression. His goal is to create music that resonates with people on a personal level.

Challenges as a New Artist

One of the biggest challenges Zakes Carter faces is gaining and engaging an audience. In today’s music industry, new artists often struggle to get noticed. However, Zakes remains determined and continues to work hard to grow his fan base.

Dream Collaborations

Zakes Carter looks forward to future collaborations with artists like Davido, Fireboy DML, Chris Brown, and Drake. These collaborations would allow him to explore new creative possibilities and reach a broader audience.

Songwriting Process

Zakes Carter writes his own music. His songwriting process usually starts with the melody, followed by the lyrics. This approach helps him create songs that are both catchy and meaningful.

To stay updated with musical trends, Zakes Carter listens to a lot of new music. This helps him maintain his unique sound while staying relevant in the industry. He balances trend awareness with his own creative vision.

Biggest Lesson Learned

The biggest lesson Zakes Carter has learned is that making good music is not enough. Promoting it is equally important. Effective promotion is key to reaching a wider audience and achieving success.

Upcoming Projects and Collaborations

Fans can expect exciting new projects and potential collaborations from Zakes Carter. He continues to work on his sound and looks forward to sharing more music with his audience.

Nigerian Music Scene’s Global Evolution

Zakes Carter appreciates the global recognition Nigerian music, especially Afrobeats, has received. He believes it’s a beautiful blend of tradition and adaptation, gaining well-deserved international support.

Message for Listeners

Zakes Carter hopes listeners take away the message behind his music. His songs are meant to inspire and provoke thought, offering a mix of emotions and insights.

Passions Beyond Music

Outside of music, Zakes Carter enjoys basketball and playing video games. These hobbies provide a balance to his busy music career.

Future Goals

In the next five years, Zakes Carter envisions himself as one of the top artists internationally. He aims to achieve great success and continue evolving as an artist.

For those new to Zakes Carter’s music, he recommends starting with “I Can’t Help It.” This track gives a glimpse of his capabilities and showcases his unique style.

Written by: Boluwatife

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